This gallery contains 21 photos.
Various Pieces of Photography.
A Sculpting Homework for the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg. We had to pick a Gremlin from either Gremlins or Gremlins 2, take references and make a character sculpt based on them. I took the Brain Gremlin of course, because of I love smart villains with a sophisticated and well toned way of…
Meta is a short, metaphorical VFX-experiment that shows a surreal, humanoid creature. The strange entity with two upper bodies gets shot with an extraordinary, black liquid which leads to the growth of mechanical sprouts. These seedlings slowly develop into mor complex machines which start to overgrow the body. Said being is a visual…
My very first character animation! You wanna know when I fell in love with creaing animated movies? This project started it all! It was created for the “MultiMediaProject 1” at the FH Salzburg, MultiMediaArt. A lot could be improved today, but I still cherish this little project because the characters still…
Two practice projects for the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, MultiMediaArt. The first was a simple example for Maya-particles. The timing for the movement was mandatory. Since it didn’t look “realistic” without an external source to make the particles move and stop I added a “supernova” in After Effects to make…
This gallery contains 16 photos.
Various Pieces of Concept Art for several Projects. Mixed Techniques.